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Random Starship

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Random Starship

7 ratings

Random Starship is a random generator add-on that creates spaceships or starships. This is made as a utility add-on for Random Flow but you can use it as a standalone plugin. Its many controls allow you to make ships of all shapes and sizes.

Read the online documentation here:

Watch the video for installing presets here:

Watch the video for the addon installation and properties here:

Watch the video for using the presets here:

You can choose between a simple basemesh or a detailed one using the plating properties in the redo panel.

You can also play around with the Limit Smooth feature to limit the autosmooth effects on particular areas of the plate details giving you extra range on how your ship will look in renders.

Design ships from stubby to carrier/mothership lengths. Also called hull sections, increasing its number lets you control the length of the entire ship. You will have different controls on the resolution and detail for each hull section.

Using the Limit Smooth feature also allows you to quickly UV unwrap the resulting mesh with each plates and wing details properly marked with UV seams. The UV map may or may not need additional work but it would certainly be tremendously lighter.

Make ships that terrify or inspire awe to whoever sees them. The results you will get from the different controls may vary but every single one of them will be useful depending on your imagination.

Fancy angular or round ships? The add-on controls will let you have any of them using mesh smoothing or autosmooth features.

Having trouble conquering planets? Just take a minute and use the add-on to create a mothership that can carry all sorts of ordinance. Now you can warp anywhere in the galaxy and wreak righteous chaos!

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1 addon zip file, 1 presets zip file, 1 blend zip file

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